Black Sparkle

Project description

This is a web application that allows shop owners to track visitors, gather and analyse statistics and customers' behaviour so that they could provide better and more tailored service for their clients and staff.

My role

— UX design & prototyping, UI design & Design system creation.

— Close collaboration with development team and constant research and new features implementation.

This is an empty state when live streams are not set up

User sets up cameras, and feeds are being analysed on the server side by bespoke neural network that recognizes people, remembers their faces, tracks their position inside the shop and creates various graphs and heatmap.

This is a state when cameras are connected
In Zone Editor user uploads floor plan and creates zones for further analysis
This is a state when floor plan is uploaded and user can move on to zone mapping

After that some details should be provided so that business owners can sell their products more efficiently.

The dashboard is quite simple and made of customizable blocks

This graph shows statistics by number of visitors in comparison of today and yesterday

Customer details

Some explaination will be provided some time later


When zones were set and customer data was analysed, sop heatmap was created. Using this tool business owner was able to move products around she shop in the way he or she would advertise them in a better way.

Graphs and data

Users were able to switch between different graph display modes.

All visitors for today. Peak hours are being highlighted

One tiny disclaimer

This project was designed back in 2018 when most of the people had only two genders and all the neural networks were not so smart as now.

Data by gender is displayed
Data by customer type
One month overview with gender matching

Making options

I've designed lots of different data visualisation modes. Some of them looked like a alien spaceship control panel and were not being taken seriously. But I had fun!

This one looks nice but it's quite hard to read it

UI kit with all the states was created


And not to invade people privacy we had this notice pinned up in our office kitchen where all the data for development purposes was gathered.